The Maniacal Rantings of the Urban Crone

Bear witness to the rantings of the Urban Crone as she emparts her wisdom in her own rather quirky way.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Path of the Urban Crone

I have decided to use my blog to create articles with information that will be timely and consist of subjects that I think people will be interested in. My path has brought me to the role, not of High Priestess but of a gatherer of Wisdom and a dispenser of Knowledge, a teacher of things that perhaps get overlooked or lost in the mainstreaming and taming of the Wiccan faith I hold closest to my soul.
These articles will be presented from my perspective, flavored with my own tradition and belief system, my own personal understanding of the subject matter and how it fits into the universe. My tradition is that of Celtic-Hermetic Wicca with deep roots in sympathetic forms of Witchcraft. I am also a Philosophy major, so my view of the universe has a rather interesting slant to it.
The Goddess has set me on the path of the Teacher. Through this blog, I am going to expand on this path, reach beyond teaching local workshops and doing local meetings to share all I learn with all.
Urban Crone

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